Membership Packages
RHBOT understands that every business is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. That's why we've designed a range of membership tiers and packages to cater to businesses of all types and sizes.
Whether you're a small startup just getting off the ground, a mid-sized company looking to expand, or a well-established enterprise seeking to increase your community engagement and visibility, RHBOT has a membership option that suits your specific needs.
Our diverse membership packages ensure that you receive the support, resources, and benefits that align with your business objectives, making it easier for you to thrive and succeed within our dynamic community.

Pave the way for Richmond Hill's future.
Nurture a profound catalyzing connection with business in Richmond Hill and be recognized as valued partners, synergizing efforts for collective success. Engage in impactful charity initiatives and beyond, exemplifying shared values with RHBOT and your brand.
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Gift of Classic Membership to Charity or Start-up of your choice; includes public presentation and recognition.
Event Series Sponsor for one Event Series of your choice:
Business at Breakfast, Lunch & Learn, Business After 5, Women in Business
+ all services and benefits from lower Tiers (except where superseded).

Become a cornerstone in the Community.
Embrace our platinum level for exclusive events, influential connections, and bespoke strategies. Embark your brand on a transformative journey, where profound community outreach converges with exceptional exposure, magnifying your influence like never before.
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Corporate Partner Brand Logo Recognition
Include up to 10 local offices and branches within your Membership
Premium size Ad with Preferred Positioning in monthly e-newsletter to 2500+ subscribers - 800px by 800px
Priority Positioning on Community Banner displayed at all Events
Full-Page Ad in Explore Richmond Hill Publication (annually)
Company Recognition in all marketing material, Speaking Opportunities, Event Tickets, Full-Page Ad in Event Program, and other perks for select Signature Events. Please refer to the Comparison Table for detailed information.
+ all services and benefits from lower Tiers (except where superseded).

Support and strengthen Richmond Hill.
Dive into enriching events, connecting with industry pioneers and fostering collaborations. Unveil expansive horizons like never before, amplify your brand through strategic marketing, gaining unparalleled exposure that you deserve and harnessing the power of our vibrant community.
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Recognition as Corporate Partner on:
RHBOT website home page with logo and click-through link
Monthly E-newsletters to 2500+ subscribers
Corporate logo on Community Banner displayed at All Events
Half-Page Ad in Explore Richmond Hill Publication (annually)
Company Recognition in all marketing material, Speaking Opportunities, Event Tickets, Half-Page Ad in Event Program, and other perks for select Signature Events. Please refer to the Comparison Table for detailed information.
+ all services and benefits from lower Tiers (except where superseded).

Make an impact!
Increase your presence through enhanced marketing avenues. Unlock exclusive event access and empower your team to boost your brand's growth. Embrace a community that fosters unparalleled connections and offers invaluable resources.
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Recognition as Corporate Partner on:
RHBOT website home page with logo and click-through link
Monthly E-newsletters to 2500+ subscribers
Standard size Ad in monthly e-newsletter to 2500+ subscribers – (800px by 400px)
Quarter-Page Ad in Explore Richmond Hill Publication (annually)
Event Tickets, Quarter-page ad in event program, and other perks for select Signature Events. Please refer to the Comparison Table for detailed information.
+ all services and benefits from lower Tiers (except where superseded).

Promote your Brand.
Amplify your presence and connect with influential peers like never before. Elevate your network and visibility to the York Region community. Unlock the possibility to make an impact with your accelerating brand.
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Recognition as Corporate Partner on RHBOT website home page with logo and click-through link
Small size Ad in monthly e-newsletter to 2500+ subscribers - (400px by 400px) - 12 months
Blog submissions (2/month) through RHBOT blog and social media
Event Tickets and Other Perks for select Signature Events. Please refer to the Comparison Table for detailed information.
RHBOT Membership included.
+ all services and benefits from lower Tiers (except where superseded).

Welcome to the Family!
Welcome to the RHBOT family! This community will encourage your business' growth and help you conquer horizons you never thought you could. Let's chart the path to success together!
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Join a vibrant and caring business community!
Connections with customers, business, government and community leaders
Gain business insights and support from professional peer groups and committees
Additional Benefits:
Gain access to exclusive member-only opportunities
Brand marketing through RHBOT website and social media, improving your website's SEO with our backlinks
Save big on business products, services, technology, office supplies, and insurance
Access to Chambers Plan - Canada's #1 Employee Group Benefits plan
Enjoy customer incentive programs, including Esso gasoline and Air Miles rewards
Access to exclusive networking events hosted by York Region Chambers and Boards with the Ultimate Networking Card
Make your Grand Opening unforgettable with dignitaries and our special "Ceremonial Scissors"
Help shape Richmond Hill's future by participating in RHBOT committees, such as the Government Affairs Committee, Women in Business and Young Professionals, and collaborate with community partners, including City of Richmond Hill, York University, Seneca, etc.
New Member Welcome Package, including:
Public presentation and promotion through RHBOT channels
2 month Standard Size Ad in monthly e-newsletter to 2500+ subscribers
RHBOT Membership rates vary, starting at $272 + HST for 1-5 employees.